
The Atlantic Nickel executive team is highly experienced with a proven mining sector track record

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José Luiz Navarro is a financial, accounting and tax professional with more than 15 years of experience. He joined Atlantic Nickel (formely Mirabela) over 10 years ago and, during that time, has managed the entire cycle of accounting closing, review of financial statements, tax planning and review, internal controls, cost and budget analysis, treasury, nickel concentrate commercialization and reporting to corporate offices in Perth and currently London. He was directly involved in key achievements such as the M&A process to Appian Capital takeover, US$140m project finance for mine construction (MVV), reimbursement in cash of indirect taxes (PIS/Cofins), financial modeling of the new life of mine plan and rearrangement of all administrative structure for the period in which the mine was in care and maintenance. Prior joining Atlantic Nickel, José Luiz Navarro was a senior auditor at Deloitte, performing auditing and consulting regarding IFRS / BRGAAP for several companies. He holds two bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. He is fluent in English with solid experience in corporate finance, reporting and internal controls.